

Midday Motivation | Don’t Mistake Help For Hate

Nobody stands taller than those willing to stand corrected. ~William Safire Growth has a lot to do with your willingness to be humble and accept criticism. Sometimes we mistake help for “hate” and we miss out of the opportunity to become better. Never let your pride stand in the way of your progress…

By |2017-04-18T01:22:29+00:00May 8th, 2012|Midday Motivation|0 Comments

Maria More’s Midday Motivation | How to respond to Hate

“When you fight fire with fire you end up with ashes” ~ Anon When a person attempts to hurt you, their satisfaction comes in knowing they have succeeded. Holding on to resentment is like allowing someone else’s evil to live in your heart. Keep a smile on your face through the hate and you win!

By |2017-04-18T01:22:39+00:00March 19th, 2012|Midday Motivation|0 Comments

Midday Motivation | Kill Em With Kindness

The more you respond to your enemies, the more you keep their hate alive in your heart. – Maria More A hater’s satisfaction comes in knowing they have hurt you. Don’t let someone else’s jealousy or hate towards you corrupt YOUR character. Instead, invest that energy into your success. When people throw shade, be inspired [...]

By |2015-01-10T19:35:39+00:00March 14th, 2012|Midday Motivation|0 Comments

Midday Motivation | Fake Love vs. Real Hate

“It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for someone you are not.” -Andre Gide People who fake it usually slip up and reveal their true character. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not just to get people to like you.  Being true to YOU is more important than [...]

By |2015-01-10T19:35:28+00:00October 20th, 2011|Midday Motivation|0 Comments

Self Reflection | Why it is hard to forgive…

While researching for tomorrow’s Midday Motivation message, I came across this quote about “forgiveness” that I thought was so profound. I’m sure there’s a lot of people who can relate to these words, but may not admit it. This is a very humbling point about why it is so hard to forgive certain people: “None [...]

By |2017-04-18T01:23:09+00:00September 21st, 2011|self-empowerment|0 Comments