Terry Lusby’s Transformation

It works, if you work it……..
You may not be great when you start, but you have to start to be great. My amazing wife has been a huge mpowered participant for about the past 2 years and I watched her be great at starting every week with a deep desire to improve herself in word and deed. She has truly embodied the biblical concept that states
“Faith without deeds is dead”.
A quote she used to tell me often was, “Anyone can workout for an hour, but to control what goes on your plate the other 23 hours is the true hard work”. After personally seeing all the positive effects that her MPowered lifestyle change has had on her spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally, I felt like I really got it & wanted in. I finally got the understanding that if nothing changes, than nothing changes! You get exactly what you consistently work for. No work, no profit; little work, little profit; much work, much profit. So I decided to get off the couch, put the milk and cookies down and start working with her to create a better future for us and our children.
Because of Maria More and her awesome program, my wife has not only been MPOWERED, she has successfully MPOWERED (Man Powered) me and many others. I absolutely love the meals she has learned to cook! The delicious flavors and the great variety keeps me on the edge of my seat and my fork ready. Honestly, I never would have thought 5 years ago I would be drinking almond milk and breakfast smoothies but that’s what’s happening. MPowered has helped me see that what you consistently eat and drink will be what you desire and what your body craves. I’m still tripping on the fact that I’m drinking a gallon of water a day – seriously a whole gallon! But the truth of the matter is because of my new consistent healthy diet and regular exercise, I’m a better version of myself and these healthy choices have completely changed the game for me.
Mpowered Transformation

Danielle Lusby’s MPowered Transformation

For the most part, we all want to get fit, lose weight, and get stronger but many want it for free. The hard truth is, nothing in this life is free. Nobody wants to get up early, work hard to the point of you profusely sweating, or even pushing through the pain of pressure. Trust, you will never be successful at anything if you can’t handle pressure. Handling pressure is hard, work, and stressful, yes. But pressure is also necessary in order to grow and excel, because there’s never any growth in comfort. That’s something else my wife stresses as a result of her new MPowered lifestyle.
MPowered has taught us both that we need to stop making excuses and betraying our greatness with laziness and procrastination and keep pushing and working until we see change or until God changes us. It’s not about a feeling, it’s about the grind. Consistently commit to a better you, for you. That’s the ONLY way you’ll stay focused and MPOWERED during the tough times when nobody’s around but the person in the mirror.
Peace and blessings,