As the WORLD knows, Deion and Pilar Sanders are going through a messy divorce. On top of that, Deion has been seen publicly dating Tracey Edmonds (who was also involved with Eddie Murphy while “Scary Spice” was pregnant with his baby). If you’re like me, you have a positive perception of Tracey Edmonds. However, Rhymes With Snitch offers a different view…

Tracey Edmonds has a nasty little habit of plowing into relationships with guys who aren’t quite finished with their ex.

You would think Tracey would have learned her lesson after getting engaged to Eddie Murphy while Scary Spice was still pregnant with his baby

[click here if you missed that] and then being humiliated after their fake wedding was exposed [click here if you missed that], but you would be wrong. Tracey is just as messy as ever…

Currently rumored to be dating Deion Sanders, who happens to be going through a very bitter divorce with his estranged wife Pilar, Tracey was Twit-Pic’d celebrating the break up of Deion’s marriage with Deion’s ex wife Carolyn. The one he left for Pilar years ago.