Music has the power to change your mood, it can invoke feelings of love, sadness, optimism and everything in between. When it comes to fitness, music is also a powerful tool that can put you in a “zone” and even help you burn more calories.

Here’s some great insight from

As they observed more data, scientists also noticed that music:

  • Changed the heart rate
  • Affected blood pressure
  • Changed the metabolic rate
  • Reduced physical and mental stress
  • Reduced fatigue

All of these things aid the flow of energy in the human body.

The sound waves of music enter your ears and turns into pulses or vibrations, which travel to the nerves in the brain. The pulses influence the brain, which then translates to the body’s movement.

Music with a fast beat subconsciously travels through your brain down to your fingers which allows them to tap to the rhythm. Pay attention next time you’re listening to music at your desk. Notice how your body moves without any thought.